  • SATA

    SATA RPS Standard 0.3 Disposable Cup & Lids (125 or 200 micron, Pack of 40 or 100) (1010389 / 1010404)

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    Trade: £ 63.90
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    SATA RPS Standard 0.3 Disposable Cup & Lids (125 or 200 micron, Pack of 40 or 100)

    Available with 125 micron flat sieve or 200 micron plug in sieve. See dropdown box.

    SATA RPS (Rapid Preparation System), the innovative disposable cup for mixing, painting, refilling and storing of paint is not only available as 0.3 l version, but now also as a 0.6 and a 0.9 l version for larger surfaces. .

    With only three components (cup – lid – sieve), the 0.3 l RPS cup version is as easy to handle as the proven 0.6 l version. Sieves and lids can be separately ordered as spare parts and fit on both cup sizes. The RPS cup attaches directly to SATA paint spray guns with standard thread and QCC (Quick Cup Connector). A special adaptor is not required. Spray gun and RPS cup are the perfect match: the spray gun remains well-balanced and is noticeably lighter when using this system. The cleaning of the spray gun without adapter is particularly simple, as only the short material passages have to be cleaned.

    The gravity flow cup principle requiring a ventilation valve ensures even material flow. This is essential for perfect colour match. Painters appreciate this advantage SATA RPS cups provide as cost intensive rework becomes unnecessary.

    Due to its disposable character, the cleaning of the cup becomes unnecessary with RPS, thus saving the bodyshops valuable time and cleaning agent. Further cost savings are possible if separate mixing cups and sieves are eliminated from the work process by the use of RPS.

    SATA RPS 0.3 l is always supplied with sieves which are optionally available with 125µm or 200µm mesh size. For the correct type of sieve to be used, please refer to the recommendation of the respective paint manufacturer.

    The RPS depot is a space-saving and practical storage system. RPS cups, lids and sieves can be stored in the painter’s work space and are always at hand.

    Additional information

    Weight 20 kg
    Dimensions 81 × 34 × 65 cm
    Grade & Pack Size

    125μm Pack of 40 (1010389), 200μm Pack of 40 (1010397), 125μm Pack of 100 (1010420), 200μm Pack of 100 (1010404)