  • 3M

    3M Perfect-it III Superbuff Pad (203mm) (05704)

    Our Price


    Our Price: £34.63
    Trade: £46.18
    VAT/TAX: £6.93
    Total: £41.56


    3M Perfect-it III Superbuff Pad (05704)

    Soft, protected edge which offers conformability for contour polishing. Balanced, double-sided construction with quick-change fixing.

    A double-sided buffing pad designed to be used with an adapter, 14mm thread (5512) and 5/8″ adaptors (05710)

    • Unique flexing action, reducing swirl marks and minimising the risk of burn on working surfaces.
    • Washable blended wool pad, versatile, firm yet flexible.
    • Pad size is 9 in/22.8cm.
    • Extremely durable. 
    • Easily cleaned by raking or washing dual-purpose pad for compounding and polishing.

    Additional information

    Weight 0.2 kg